Kingston is a special place, nestled in the South Downs, the parish includes a National Nature Reserve (Castle Hill), three Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and numerous other sites of importance for biodiversity. In recognition of the need to support and work to restore biodiversity within the parish, KPC commissioned the Kingston Nature Recovery Opportunities Mapping Report. The report was written by Wild Business Ltd and funded by the SDNPA.
Nature recovery is the process of assisting the return of a greater diversity of life (biodiversity), focusing on species native to the area and of conservation concern. Different nature recovery strategies can be applied from regenerative agriculture and sustainable afforestation to targeted habitat restoration and rewilding. In Sussex, the Local Nature Recovery Strategy is being developed by the Sussex Local Nature Partnership, hosted by the East Sussex County Council.
Kingston Nature Recovery Opportunities Mapping Report provides a detailed baseline of the state of the natural environment in Kingston Parish. The report and summary are available below.
To take nature recovery within the parish forward KPC established the Kingston Nature Recovery Group (KNRG), a working party tasked with taking the recommendations of the report forward and involving the whole community in appropriate nature recovery plans.
The report and KNRG where initially introduced to the wider parish community at the Kingston Village meeting on 16th June 2023.
List of documents available
- Nature Recovery opportunities Final Report May 2023
- Kingston Nature Recovery Opportunities Mapping Summary May23
- Land App Guidance
- KNRG report to KPC 14th June 2023
- Nature Recovery Opportunities Mapping Project: Timeline