Planning Applications

Planning Applications

Kingston Parish is within the South Downs National Park and the Authority (SDNPA) is responsible for all planning issues, although the processing of all but major schemes is subcontracted to Lewes District Council. Kingston Parish Council is invited to comment as Consultee to most applications.

The map below contains information on the current planning applications under review by the Parish Council.

Full details of the applications can be seen via the pins on the map (approximate locations):
Red pins – current applications with unexpired deadlines for comments
Yellow pins – current applications with expired deadline for comments but still awaiting decision

If you hover over the red and yellow pins with the mouse cursor you see a brief description of the submitted application or alternatively click on it and you will be taken directly to the South Downs National Park Authority website where you can view the full set of plans and also submit your own comments.

For details of all other past applications please visit the SDNPA planning section of their website hereby clicking here